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Legislative Updates From the 119th Congress: In-Home Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation (S.248 and H.R.783)

Over the last few years, Pritikin has tirelessly advocated for federal legislation which would establish permanent reimbursement for at-home cardiac rehabilitation.  The future of virtual cardiac rehabilitation has seemed uncertain, but that may soon change: two bipartisan bills recently introduced in the House and Senate have renewed our optimism in the future of virtual cardiac rehab.  These bills would greatly expand access to cardiac rehabilitation, allowing patients to receive at-home cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation services under Medicare.

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Connecting with Food

I know what it’s like not to have the best relationship with food so now that I have adopted a new perspective, I get...

Rescue MD Intensive Cardiac Rehab

“The Pritikin curriculum has made cardiac recovery both educational and enjoyable for our patients. They are able to...

Legislative Updates From the 119th Congress: In-Home Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation

Over the last few years, Pritikin has tirelessly advocated for federal legislation which would establish permanent...

UT Health East Texas Cardiac Rehabilitation

Since opening their Pritikin ICR program in 2019, the team at UT Health East Texas Rehabilitation has made a strong...

Lifestyle Medicine Leaders: Pritikin and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine

During the American College of Lifestyle Medicine's (ACLM) 2024 annual conference, Nathan Pritikin, founder of...

AACVPR 2024 Panel Discussion

In conjunction with the AACVPR Annual Meeting, we once again hosted an interactive panel discussion featuring a diverse...

Pritikin ICR Acquires Chanl Health

Saint Louis, MO: Today Pritikin ICR announced their strategic acquisition of Chanl Health and its industry-leading...

CentraCare Long Prairie and Sauk Centre: 1 Team, 2 Communities

It takes a special team – and a supportive community – to achieve strong cardiac rehab graduation rates. Since I have...

Meet (Us!) in St. Louis: 2024 Corporate Retreat

Once a year, our fully remote team makes the annual pilgrimage to St. Louis, Missouri for a week of professional...

A Testament to Teamwork: UKHS Cardiac Rehab

Over the past ten years, I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with many clients offering the Pritikin Intensive...

Don’t Let the Heat Beat You: Exercising in Hot Climates

Wow, it’s hot out there! Have you noticed that it’s been harder to motivate yourself to get out and exercise in these...

Meet (Us!) in St. Louis: 2023 Corporate Retreat

As we prepare for our annual 2024 in-person meeting, we thought we'd re-share this reflection from last year's...

Cardiac Rehab Dose and Risk Stratification

As a Clinical Exercise Physiologist who has worked in the field of cardiac rehab (CR) for over 30 years, I occasionally...

A Program of Great Renown

We’ve shared several stories fromcardiac rehabilitation programs that have recently transitioned to Pritikin; this...

Struggling with Your Health Goals? We've Got You Covered.

“Wait till you hear this! Over the weekend I went shopping with my mom. As we were walking, I realized my shoe was...

MUSC Health: 5 Months of Pritikin ICR

Life typically slows down a bit as the year comes to a close. This past November was anything but slow for the cardiac...

Does Intermittent Fasting Work?

Most diets focus on what to eat, but intermittent fasting focuses on when to eat. This means fasting for a set time...

Isn't It PURE-ty to Think so

“Isn’t it pretty to think so.” Ernest Hemmingway concluded his 1926 classic novel The Sun Also Rises with this powerful...

Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic Syndrome

The direct relationship between the health of our heart and kidneys (cardiorenal syndrome) is well-documented. But...

Bringing the Pritikin Curriculum to Life: Parkwest

They may be new to teaching the Pritikin program, but this team is doing an amazing job!

Understanding the Pritikin ICR Implementation Process: The Inside Scoop From a Former ICR Director

Hi! My name is Tara, we may not have met, but I’m hoping by the end of this piece, we might have an opportunity to work...

One Year Later: Pritikin ICR at Sentara CarePlex

“YES, the Pritikin program is life changing for those willing to put in the time, but that is only because of how great...

Next-Generation Cardiac Rehab, Proven Outcomes

Learn more about the latest Pritikin ICR research from two leading researchers: David C. Beckner, MD, and Joseph W....

Why Does My Doctor Want Me To Eat Fish...and What If I Can’t?

If you need to boost omega-3 in your diet, but eating fish isn’t an option, you’ll want to keep reading.

Covenant LifeStyle Centre

One of the best parts of working as a Pritikin account manager has been supporting the many intensive cardiac rehab...

Nurturing the Heart Within: A Personal Reflection on Heart Month

February holds a special place in my heart. Not only because it’s the month of my birthday, anniversary, and...

February, the Season of Heart

Before you know it, we’ll be entering into the second month of the new year! When you think of February, what comes to...

What Does Heart Month Mean to Me?

This year marks the 100th year since the inception of the American Heart Association, the primary sponsors of American...

The Magnificent Mineral: Exploring Magnesium in Whole Foods versus Supplements

Magnesium has been getting attention lately with its purported ability to enhance sleep quality and reduce anxiety. But...

Gluten-Free Diet: Should You Try It?

In recent years, there have been three trends driving the popularity of avoiding gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye,...

A Guide: Asking Your Representatives to Support HR Bill 1406 and S3012

Until the introduction of the Sustainable Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Services in the Home Act (HR 1406, S 3012), I...

8 Tips for Working From a Desk

If you’re one of the80% of Americans working a desk job, keep reading.

Your Partner in Patient Education: AACVPR 2023 Panel Discussion

Hear from an experienced panel of Pritikin ICR providers and gain first-hand insight into what it’s really like to...

Collagen: Unmasking the Fountain of Youth

Marketing ads for collagen – in creams, serums, pills, powders, protein bars, gummies – are everywhere. Who doesn’t...

Why Self-Care Is Important

The concept of self-care is gaining a lot of attention recently and can look like many different things from...

The CALORIE Conundrum

Should you count them? Are they all created equal? Which calories are best? Good questions! Let’s take a deeper look at...

The CALORIE Conundrum

Should you count them? Are they all created equal? Which calories are best? Good questions! Let’s take a deeper look at...

Defining Your How and Why

I saw a video the other day with Neil deGrasse Tyson, and he said one thing that made my mind explode. He talked about...

Pritikin Inspired: Biscuits-n-Gravy

Our latest Pritikin Kitchen challenge was brought to us by Emily from Graham Hospital in Canton, IL. Her patients...

New Year's Resolution: A Check-in

Earlier this year, I shared my New Year’s resolution to limit the amount of time that I spend watching and following...

How to Eat a More Plant-Based Diet, Boost Fiber, & Feed a Healthy Gut

If anyone has been paying attention to supermarket shelves, Instagram, media articles, and restaurant menus,...

5 Ways to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

The science of nutrition is constantly evolving, so our team of Registered Dietitians analyzed the most recent science...

Krazy for K: The Mighty Power of Vitamin K

Let’s play a word game! What’s the first word or phrase that comes to mind when I “say”: “Vitamin C” --- citrus! 🍊...

Healthy Eating that Won’t Break the Bank

“Eating Healthy is too expensive!” “I would definitely eat healthier if I could afford it!” I’ve heard variations of...

My Day on the Hill

My very first Day on the Hill was an experience I will not soon forget.

Encourage Your Congressional Representative to Support H.R. 1406

The best way to advocate for permanent access to virtual CR and ICR services is to contact your representative and ask...

10 Reasons to Start Practicing Yoga

Have you been interested in yoga but haven’t known where to start?

Congressional Support for Meaningful Change

"Today, only 20 to 30% of eligible patients participate in CR/ICR due in part to distance to the nearest cardiac rehab...

A Year in Review

While I’ve been focusing on setting goals and making plans for 2023, I’d be remiss if I didn’t take the time to reflect...

Pritikin ICR: Reflecting on a 5-Year Evolution

Have you seen the TV show Manifest? In the show, a group of individuals take off on a flight and when they land it’s 5...

Finally, a New Year’s Resolution that’s stuck.

At this point in January, I’m willing to bet more than a few New Year's resolutions have already been abandoned.

Heart Care Institute: Where It All Started

Pritikin Intensive Cardiac Rehab (ICR) is a comprehensive lifestyle education program designed to cover three areas of...

What a Catch!

Some people are intimidated by the unknown, but I find limitless possibility exciting.

DASHing Away from High Blood Pressure

Silence may be golden – but not when it comes to blood pressure. We need to sound the alarm around the importance of...

Adapting Holiday Recipes

Thanks to my years of recipe development for Pritikin ICR, I’ve become pretty good at adapting well-loved recipes into...

Oklahoma Heart Hospital Helping More Patients After a Heart Event

A fresh perspective, open communication, and an adaptable team can make all the difference.

Staying Focused While Looking Ahead

It feels like just yesterday, we were enjoying warm weather and summer cookouts – it’s hard to believe the busiest time...

Set Yourself Up For Success

Picture this: You’re tired, hungry, and stuck in traffic driving home after a long workday.

The Value of AACVPR

With the annual American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) national conference...

Summer Cookouts: a Celebration or Calamity

Who doesn’t love a good summer cookout?

Smoothies Are Popular, But Are They Healthy and Good for Weight Loss?

Smoothie shops are popping up everywhere – shopping centers, airports, fitness clubs, and wellness spas. Their target...

Meet (Us!) in St. Louis: 2022 Corporate Retreat

The last time the entire Pritikin ICR team gathered in-person was in early 2020 – just before the world essentially...

How to Navigate a Farmers Market

The unofficial start of summer is just around the corner, and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve always found this time of...

Post-COVID Exercise: Resuming the Habit

Over the past three decades, I have worked with more cardiac rehab patients than I can count.

Free to Make It Your Own: Adapting Recipes to Meet Your Health Goals

Have you ever been inspired to try out a recipe you found online?

Working out on the sidelines: Improvising exercise on a busy schedule

If you are anything like me, you live for your children.

Decrypting Bioengineered Food

Bioengineered (BE) food sounds like space-age nourishment featured in a science fiction movie. While the term...

4 Ways to Celebrate American Heart Month

When you think of February, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

New Year’s Resolutions: Be Kind To Yourself

Are you a New Year’s Resolution kind of person?

No Equipment? No Problem

If you’ve ever thought you couldn’t exercise because you didn’t have any equipment, think again.

You are What You Eat So Eat Good Stuff

After graduating college, I moved to Hermosa Beach California where one of my favorite restaurants, Good Stuff, sat on...

Walking Backwards

I walked backwards today. Not literally, because I’m not confident I could gracefully do that for long. As I headed out...

Maintaining Healthy Habits On Vacation: Four Tips to Stay On Track

With Labor Day right around the corner, are you planning on taking advantage of the long weekend by going on vacation?

Outsmarting the Health Halo

Have you fallen victim to the “health halo”?

Dairy Girl Gone Soya

Growing up on a dairy farm, my days began and ended with milking cows.

Starting Over

I’ve had trouble keeping up with my lifestyle changes since the COVID lockdown started, and I’ve gained back some of...

Ready Set Hoe! Getting in Shape for Gardening

Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies. It provides new life for my yard and a time of relaxation for me.

Summer Grilling - Pritikin Style

If you're anything like me, when summer finally arrives, the first thing I do is "fire up" the grill. And like most, I...

It’s Al(most) Greek to Me

It’s not always easy to be leader of the pack. That was Nathan Pritikin’s experience in the late 1970’s when he first...

Easy Ways to Eat More Veggies

We all know that vegetables are an important component of a healthy diet. But, most people fall short of the...

Progress, Not Perfection

While I am a summer girl through and through, spring always brings me a special sense of hope. Days are sunny and...

Calorie-Free Sweeteners: Three Tips for Safe Sweetening

Fulfilling our desire for sweetness without the added sugar is a high priority for food manufacturers. Food research...

Portion Control: Better Health

Balancing life’s demands and trying to eat a nutritious diet is challenging. As they say, “The struggle is real!”...

Hunger Scale: Know When to Start and Stop Eating

What is it? The hunger scale is a numeric scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being extremely hungry and 10 being extremely...

Sugar: Natural and Processed and Added, Oh My

Sugar is sweet, addictive, and in today’s food environment, nearly impossible to avoid – especially with the holidays...

The Power of Fresh Herbs

Every year I plant a small collection of culinary herbs near the kitchen door for easy cutting. I love the ritual of...

Is Counting Every Calorie Really Necessary?

Imagine that every time you ate something, whether it was a meal with your family, a snack at happy hour with a friend,...

Unscrambling the Egg Controversy

How do we go about unscrambling the mixed messaging around eggs and heart health? At the core of this long-standing...

Can Plants Power Athletes?

Let’s start by debunking the myth that we need to eat meat for protein. Whether you exercise recreationally or compete...

Is Organic Food Worth the Higher Price?

Most of us know that eating healthy means eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, non-fat dairy, and lean...