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Legislative Updates From the 119th Congress: In-Home Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation (S.248 and H.R.783)

Over the last few years, Pritikin has tirelessly advocated for federal legislation which would establish permanent reimbursement for at-home cardiac rehabilitation.  The future of virtual cardiac rehabilitation has seemed uncertain, but that may soon change: two bipartisan bills recently introduced in the House and Senate have renewed our optimism in the future of virtual cardiac rehab.  These bills would greatly expand access to cardiac rehabilitation, allowing patients to receive at-home cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation services under Medicare.

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Connecting with Food

I know what it’s like not to have the best relationship with food so now that I have adopted a new perspective, I get...

Rescue MD Intensive Cardiac Rehab

“The Pritikin curriculum has made cardiac recovery both educational and enjoyable for our patients. They are able to...

Legislative Updates From the 119th Congress: In-Home Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation

Over the last few years, Pritikin has tirelessly advocated for federal legislation which would establish permanent...

UT Health East Texas Cardiac Rehabilitation

Since opening their Pritikin ICR program in 2019, the team at UT Health East Texas Rehabilitation has made a strong...

Lifestyle Medicine Leaders: Pritikin and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine

During the American College of Lifestyle Medicine's (ACLM) 2024 annual conference, Nathan Pritikin, founder of...

AACVPR 2024 Panel Discussion

In conjunction with the AACVPR Annual Meeting, we once again hosted an interactive panel discussion featuring a diverse...

Pritikin ICR Acquires Chanl Health

Saint Louis, MO: Today Pritikin ICR announced their strategic acquisition of Chanl Health and its industry-leading...

CentraCare Long Prairie and Sauk Centre: 1 Team, 2 Communities

It takes a special team – and a supportive community – to achieve strong cardiac rehab graduation rates. Since I have...

Meet (Us!) in St. Louis: 2024 Corporate Retreat

Once a year, our fully remote team makes the annual pilgrimage to St. Louis, Missouri for a week of professional...