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Connecting with Food

I know what it’s like not to have the best relationship with food so now that I have adopted a new perspective, I get...

Struggling with Your Health Goals? We've Got You Covered.

“Wait till you hear this! Over the weekend I went shopping with my mom. As we were walking, I realized my shoe was...

Does Intermittent Fasting Work?

Most diets focus on what to eat, but intermittent fasting focuses on when to eat. This means fasting for a set time...

Isn't It PURE-ty to Think so

“Isn’t it pretty to think so.” Ernest Hemmingway concluded his 1926 classic novel The Sun Also Rises with this powerful...

Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic Syndrome

The direct relationship between the health of our heart and kidneys (cardiorenal syndrome) is well-documented. But...

Why Does My Doctor Want Me To Eat Fish...and What If I Can’t?

If you need to boost omega-3 in your diet, but eating fish isn’t an option, you’ll want to keep reading.

The Magnificent Mineral: Exploring Magnesium in Whole Foods versus Supplements

Magnesium has been getting attention lately with its purported ability to enhance sleep quality and reduce anxiety. But...

Gluten-Free Diet: Should You Try It?

In recent years, there have been three trends driving the popularity of avoiding gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye,...

Collagen: Unmasking the Fountain of Youth

Marketing ads for collagen – in creams, serums, pills, powders, protein bars, gummies – are everywhere. Who doesn’t...

The CALORIE Conundrum

Should you count them? Are they all created equal? Which calories are best? Good questions! Let’s take a deeper look at...