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Cindy Berner

Cindy Berner

Cindy is a Registered Dietitian with over 35 years in the field of nutrition focused on health and wellness.

Isn't It PURE-ty to Think so

“Isn’t it pretty to think so.” Ernest Hemmingway concluded his 1926 classic novel The Sun Also Rises with this powerful...

The Magnificent Mineral: Exploring Magnesium in Whole Foods versus Supplements

Magnesium has been getting attention lately with its purported ability to enhance sleep quality and reduce anxiety. But...

Krazy for K: The Mighty Power of Vitamin K

Let’s play a word game! What’s the first word or phrase that comes to mind when I “say”: “Vitamin C” --- citrus! 🍊...

DASHing Away from High Blood Pressure

Silence may be golden – but not when it comes to blood pressure. We need to sound the alarm around the importance of...

Walking Backwards

I walked backwards today. Not literally, because I’m not confident I could gracefully do that for long. As I headed out...

It’s Al(most) Greek to Me

It’s not always easy to be leader of the pack. That was Nathan Pritikin’s experience in the late 1970’s when he first...

Hunger Scale: Know When to Start and Stop Eating

What is it? The hunger scale is a numeric scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being extremely hungry and 10 being extremely...

The Power of Fresh Herbs

Every year I plant a small collection of culinary herbs near the kitchen door for easy cutting. I love the ritual of...

Unscrambling the Egg Controversy

How do we go about unscrambling the mixed messaging around eggs and heart health? At the core of this long-standing...