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Don’t Let the Heat Beat You: Exercising in Hot Climates

Wow, it’s hot out there! Have you noticed that it’s been harder to motivate yourself to get out and exercise in these...

Cardiac Rehab Dose and Risk Stratification

As a Clinical Exercise Physiologist who has worked in the field of cardiac rehab (CR) for over 30 years, I occasionally...

8 Tips for Working From a Desk

If you’re one of the80% of Americans working a desk job, keep reading.

10 Reasons to Start Practicing Yoga

Have you been interested in yoga but haven’t known where to start?

Staying Focused While Looking Ahead

It feels like just yesterday, we were enjoying warm weather and summer cookouts – it’s hard to believe the busiest time...

Post-COVID Exercise: Resuming the Habit

Over the past three decades, I have worked with more cardiac rehab patients than I can count.

Working out on the sidelines: Improvising exercise on a busy schedule

If you are anything like me, you live for your children.

4 Ways to Celebrate American Heart Month

When you think of February, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

New Year’s Resolutions: Be Kind To Yourself

Are you a New Year’s Resolution kind of person?

No Equipment? No Problem

If you’ve ever thought you couldn’t exercise because you didn’t have any equipment, think again.