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Legislative Updates From the 119th Congress: In-Home Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation (S.248 and H.R.783)

Over the last few years, Pritikin has tirelessly advocated for federal legislation which would establish permanent reimbursement for at-home cardiac rehabilitation.  The future of virtual cardiac rehabilitation has seemed uncertain, but that may soon change: two bipartisan bills recently introduced in the House and Senate have renewed our optimism in the future of virtual cardiac rehab.  These bills would greatly expand access to cardiac rehabilitation, allowing patients to receive at-home cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation services under Medicare.

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Easy Ways to Eat More Veggies

We all know that vegetables are an important component of a healthy diet. But, most people fall short of the...

Progress, Not Perfection

While I am a summer girl through and through, spring always brings me a special sense of hope. Days are sunny and...

Calorie-Free Sweeteners: Three Tips for Safe Sweetening

Fulfilling our desire for sweetness without the added sugar is a high priority for food manufacturers. Food research...

Portion Control: Better Health

Balancing life’s demands and trying to eat a nutritious diet is challenging. As they say, “The struggle is real!”...

Hunger Scale: Know When to Start and Stop Eating

What is it? The hunger scale is a numeric scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being extremely hungry and 10 being extremely...

Sugar: Natural and Processed and Added, Oh My

Sugar is sweet, addictive, and in today’s food environment, nearly impossible to avoid – especially with the holidays...

The Power of Fresh Herbs

Every year I plant a small collection of culinary herbs near the kitchen door for easy cutting. I love the ritual of...

Is Counting Every Calorie Really Necessary?

Imagine that every time you ate something, whether it was a meal with your family, a snack at happy hour with a friend,...

Unscrambling the Egg Controversy

How do we go about unscrambling the mixed messaging around eggs and heart health? At the core of this long-standing...

Can Plants Power Athletes?

Let’s start by debunking the myth that we need to eat meat for protein. Whether you exercise recreationally or compete...