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Featured Article
- Ashley Medina
- February 18, 2024
Legislative Updates From the 119th Congress: In-Home Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation (S.248 and H.R.783)
Over the last few years, Pritikin has tirelessly advocated for federal legislation which would establish permanent reimbursement for at-home cardiac rehabilitation. The future of virtual cardiac rehabilitation has seemed uncertain, but that may soon change: two bipartisan bills recently introduced in the House and Senate have renewed our optimism in the future of virtual cardiac rehab. These bills would greatly expand access to cardiac rehabilitation, allowing patients to receive at-home cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation services under Medicare.
Recent Articles
- Matt Stroot
- October 15, 2021
If you’ve ever thought you couldn’t exercise because you didn’t have any equipment, think again.
- Kathryn Seigel
- October 1, 2021
After graduating college, I moved to Hermosa Beach California where one of my favorite restaurants, Good Stuff, sat on...
- Cindy Berner
- September 24, 2021
I walked backwards today. Not literally, because I’m not confident I could gracefully do that for long. As I headed out...
- Karyn Panek
- September 21, 2021
With Labor Day right around the corner, are you planning on taking advantage of the long weekend by going on vacation?
- Sharon Mattheisen
- August 27, 2021
Have you fallen victim to the “health halo”?
- Deanne Marselle
- August 20, 2021
Growing up on a dairy farm, my days began and ended with milking cows.
- Kevin Kelsey
- July 30, 2021
I’ve had trouble keeping up with my lifestyle changes since the COVID lockdown started, and I’ve gained back some of...
- Julie Czeck
- June 25, 2021
Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies. It provides new life for my yard and a time of relaxation for me.
- Ryan Hicks
- June 17, 2021
If you're anything like me, when summer finally arrives, the first thing I do is "fire up" the grill. And like most, I...
- Cindy Berner
- May 24, 2021
It’s not always easy to be leader of the pack. That was Nathan Pritikin’s experience in the late 1970’s when he first...
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