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Legislative Updates From the 119th Congress: In-Home Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation (S.248 and H.R.783)

Over the last few years, Pritikin has tirelessly advocated for federal legislation which would establish permanent reimbursement for at-home cardiac rehabilitation.  The future of virtual cardiac rehabilitation has seemed uncertain, but that may soon change: two bipartisan bills recently introduced in the House and Senate have renewed our optimism in the future of virtual cardiac rehab.  These bills would greatly expand access to cardiac rehabilitation, allowing patients to receive at-home cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation services under Medicare.

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Gluten-Free Diet: Should You Try It?

In recent years, there have been three trends driving the popularity of avoiding gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye,...

A Guide: Asking Your Representatives to Support HR Bill 1406 and S3012

Until the introduction of the Sustainable Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Services in the Home Act (HR 1406, S 3012), I...

8 Tips for Working From a Desk

If you’re one of the80% of Americans working a desk job, keep reading.

Your Partner in Patient Education: AACVPR 2023 Panel Discussion

Hear from an experienced panel of Pritikin ICR providers and gain first-hand insight into what it’s really like to...

Collagen: Unmasking the Fountain of Youth

Marketing ads for collagen – in creams, serums, pills, powders, protein bars, gummies – are everywhere. Who doesn’t...

Why Self-Care Is Important

The concept of self-care is gaining a lot of attention recently and can look like many different things from...

The CALORIE Conundrum

Should you count them? Are they all created equal? Which calories are best? Good questions! Let’s take a deeper look at...

The CALORIE Conundrum

Should you count them? Are they all created equal? Which calories are best? Good questions! Let’s take a deeper look at...

Defining Your How and Why

I saw a video the other day with Neil deGrasse Tyson, and he said one thing that made my mind explode. He talked about...

Pritikin Inspired: Biscuits-n-Gravy

Our latest Pritikin Kitchen challenge was brought to us by Emily from Graham Hospital in Canton, IL. Her patients...