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Kelly Nelson

Kelly Nelson

Meet PritikinLIVE educator Kelly Nelson RD, LDN. Her journey to becoming a dietitian began when she was just three years old after receiving her very own play kitchen and set of real spices from her grandmother. She would pretend to cook all the time, even going so far as to put on cooking shows for her family. Later in life, as she juggled college and a full-time job, she put nutrition on the back burner choosing convenient but unhealthy food options. As a result, she experienced low energy and a generally unhealthy body. She changed her approach to eating after deciding to have children. “I wanted to be healthy for my children and teach them how to use food as fuel. I got back into the kitchen and started cooking again! I could feel the difference in my energy, and overall well-being. By eating the foods that are alive, it gave me life again. I started incorporating more plant-based foods and it is my absolute passion to encourage others to do the same.”

Why Self-Care Is Important

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